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All of the partners below are currently able to provide virtual services through various online platforms. More will be added as we expand our network!

Community Partners 

Purple Buds
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Keith Kristich

Spiritual Counselor

"Slow Down in a Busy World"

The world is searching for spiritual depth and connection.

But so much of what is out there is either too religious & dogmatic or, on the other end of the spectrum too out there or spiritually “woo-woo."

There’s a growing number of people who are searching for authentic spiritual growth and transformation. Many of whom identify as “spiritual but not religious.” 

If this sounds like you and are looking to connect to your spiritual heart, true self, and the divine, then you are in the right place.

My aim is to pave a middle way, grounded in contemplative practice and self awareness, helping those hungry for spiritual depth and transformation slow down and find peace within.

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If you read the COVID-19 Survival Guide, you saw some of my go to supplements. Many things are available for drop shipping now so you will have access to everything you need!

Product Resources

Click on the products on this page or click "Place Order" to gain access to Dr. Lisa's personal dispensary where you can select from her "approved" list of dietary and food supplements. More products will be continue to be added to this page as well as to the dispensary. 

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