Welcome to Wellthy Livin'! Scroll to find detailed instructions on how to get your Healing Protocol Today!
1. Follow this link THIS LINK. Select your preferred membership type. You will see a member number is already filled in. That's me! (#1899628). This number ensures that you will be teamed up with me so that I can provide any and all the support you need on your health journey. Just hit "next" and you are ready to continue!
2. Pick your starter kit. You will notice there is a tab that says "other starter kits". Go ahead and click on that and scroll down to "NingXia Starter Kit". If you'd like to start your journey with Essential Oils, then by all means, then hop on the oily bandwagon and get your Premier Starter Kit!
3. Sign up for Essential Rewards, the monthly autoship program, by adding Life-9 and Essentialzyme-4 to a custom order. and start earning your monthly reward points and this month's free oil! If you add Ningxia Essential Rewards you will be eligible for more FREE products with this month's promos.
4. Finish filling in your contact information. If you do not plan on sharing the oils with your friends and family and would like to opt out of earning commissions, just select the "Individual-No Social Security Number Required". If you DO want to enjoy the amazing compensation plan that Young Living has to offer, then select one of the other two options!
5. Agree to the terms and conditions; click "next"
6. Fill in your shipping and payment information.
7. Checkout and you are DONE !
Here is a summary of the benefits of the Whole Sale Membership and Essential Rewards Program:
Welcome to the Wellthy Livin' Family!
We are so excited to have you and cannot wait to see how your life will change!
Getting Started FAQ's
Can’t I just order a bunch of antioxidant drinks online or buy them in the store?
Sure, if you would like to waste your money! That sounds harsh, I know. There are a lot of major companies that brand antioxidant beverages. The problem with them is that they are $$$$$ and only come from one source. You would have to buy from all different companies which will end up costing you hundreds of dollars. You would also have to research all the individual companies to make sure they have high standards and quality control. If you want to be confident that you are putting your money to good use, then go with a company that has high standards and a well researched product that provides everything you need. A company like Young Living Essential Oils.
Can’t I just get Essential Oils from Walmart or Amazon?
Oh my dear Future Oiler, Please listen up here. Essential Oils are popping up all over the place. They are becoming so popular because they WORK! BUT the oil has to be THERAPEUTIC GRADE in order to derive any actual health benefits from it! The healing constituents in plants must be extracted through highly regulated and specific means. The plant itself has to be grown and harvested in a particular way and geographic location to contain the ideal amount of these therapeutic constituents. This whole process requires a lot of resources so companies cut corners and make synthetic versions of an oil that have the same or similar SMELL, but completely lack the good stuff (the therapeutic properties).I know! It’s crazy!
Young Living has standards that match no other company. They go out of their way to acquire the highest quality product in the exact form that has been demonstrated through scientific, peer-reviewed, research to be effective therapeutically. They control everything in their Seed to Seal Guarantee. Young Living has proven themselves time and time again to be a company with outstanding integrity. If they make a mistake, they own it and immediately get to work on fixing the issue. Most companies will just cover it up and sweep it under the rug. Young Living controls and regulates every single step of the process. If they can’t get a plant, or it becomes endangered, they let the product go out of stock and refuse to restock until they have the exact plant they are looking for. This is incredible! Have you ever heard of a company that absolutely flat out refuses to cut corners despite the monetary consequences? You will not find transparency like this anywhere else. Trust is so huge these days and it is so difficult to gain that trust in major companies. Folks, I am a massive skeptic and I won't lie to you; I completely wrote this company off when I first heard about them. Once I saw with my own two eyes what they were all about, I was comfortable getting a piece of that action! So to answer your question; NO NO NO, if your health is important to you then you CANNOT just get oils from anywhere (unless you just want the smell, then I guess have at it!)
Is there a monthly requirement to maintain membership?
Absolutely NOT. The only thing you have to do to keep the account active is make ONE $50 purchase per YEAR. The auto-ship program is there solely for your benefit to earn points back redeemable for free product and give you eligibility for FREE product promos every month!
Do you have to be a distributor to get young living products?
Most definitely not! You are welcome to sign up for a simple retail account and purchase as needed! Just note that you will not be eligible for the 24% discount and will not be able to earn free products and points redeemable for additional free products!
Does joining Young Living as a Distributor mean I have to sell the oils???
OH HECK NO! It is a membership very similar to your local Sam's Club, Cosco or BJs Whole Sale Clubs. You get things on the cheap overall! There are wonderful compensation opportunities but by NO MEANS do you have to take advantage of them! They are there if you want them. The Distributor status is there for you to save money, earn points for free oils, and get additional free products with your monthly auto-ship order.
What do I need to get started?
Just your computer, wallet, and THIS LINK.
Make sure 1899628 is the number filled in because that guarantees that you will be paired up with me for support and additional resources!
Are you ready to make the best investment you have ever made for your health?
"The Greatest Wealth is your Health"